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Navigating the Future for Medical Graduates - 2024

Came across this insightful article, published few days ago (New Graduates Struggle in Current Biopharma Job Market) it really got me thinking. The piece discussed the paradox facing today's medical, pharmacy, dentistry, and biosciences graduates. Despite their advanced education and access to cutting-edge technology, these highly qualified individuals are navigating a job market that doesn't seem to have enough room for them. This triggered a desire to dig deeper into this issue. The article highlighted not just the challenges but also the underlying factors contributing to this situation, including the critical role of experience and industry knowledge that seems to be a barrier for fresh graduates stepping into their first roles. It inspired me to write this blog, to explore further and offer some perspectives and advice for those finding themselves at this crossroads. It's a conversation worth having, to not only shed light on the hurdles these talents face but also to discuss how we, as a community, can support and guide them towards fulfilling careers in an environment that seems less than accommodating at first glance.

Imagine finishing years of school in medicine, pharmacy, or dentistry, ready to start your career, only to find out that jobs are hard to come by. This is what many new graduates are facing today, despite their impressive skills and knowledge.
Indeed, we are living a time that is marked by unprecedented advancements in education and technology, one would expect the path from academia to industry for new graduates in medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry to be smoother than ever. However, the reality presents a contrast, with these highly qualified individuals finding themselves adrift in a sea of low demand within the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors.

You'd think that with all the new health technologies and the need for healthcare professionals, finding a job would be easy for graduates. But, it's not. One big hurdle is the need for work experience — a requirement that's tough to meet if you're just starting out.
The Challenge for Experts
Graduates today know a lot about their field, but that deep knowledge isn't always what employers are looking for. They often want people who have a mix of skills and real-world experience. This leaves many wondering, "How can I get experience if I can't get a job to gain that experience?"
If we dig deeper into this issue, we will see that the main problem lies in the specialized nature of contemporary education. While specialization equips graduates with deep knowledge and expertise, it often sidelines the broad skill sets and practical experiences that are equally valued in the job market. The stories of countless young professionals, brimming with potential yet sidelined by the industry's stringent experience requirements, underscore the urgency of addressing this disconnect.

lets have an example, in the pharmaceutical industry, a common scenario unfolds when a newly graduated professional, armed with extensive technical knowledge and specialization, steps into the job market. This individual has spent years

mastering the intricacies of pharmaceuticals, from drug development to medical interactions and science. However, upon entering the workforce, they encounter a significant hurdle that wasn't covered in their conventional educational curriculum: the need to learn other things like people management, effective communication and strategic thinking.
Many pharmaceutical roles, especially those with leadership potential, demand more than just technical expertise. They require the ability to manage teams, lead projects, and communicate effectively across various departments. These "soft skills" are crucial for fostering collaboration, driving project success, and leading innovation within the industry..

Unfortunately, traditional educational programs in medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy often focus predominantly on the scientific and technical aspects, leaving a gap in soft skills development. This oversight can sideline even the most knowledgeable professionals when they face the comprehensive demands of their roles.
This is a critical area for development within academic institutions. To ensure that graduates are well-prepared for the multifaceted challenges of their industries, there's a growing need to integrate soft skills training, such as leadership, communication, and team building, into the curriculum. By doing so, the next generation of professionals will be equipped not only with the necessary technical expertise but also with the interpersonal skills essential for a successful career in the pharmaceutical industry and beyond.

To bridge this gap, it is imperative for new graduates from different medical schools to adopt a multifaceted approach. Understanding the business dynamics of the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors is crucial. This knowledge, coupled with an entrepreneurial mindset, can significantly enhance one's appeal to potential employers.

Additionally, I would recommend 3 more strategies for the new graduates:
Networking: Building professional relationships can unlock opportunities that are often not advertised. Platforms like LinkedIn and industry conferences are valuable arenas for connecting with industry insiders.
Continuing Education: Pursuing certifications or short courses in business management, medical affairs, or other complementary fields can provide a competitive edge.
Internships and Volunteering: These initiatives offer a foothold into the industry, allowing individuals to demonstrate their value and gain the much-needed experience that job listings demand.

The journey from academia to industry is not always easy, sometines it is full of challenges, yet it is rich in opportunities only, for those willing to adapt and persevere. As the job market continue to be demanding, the strategies of new graduates aiming to make their mark must evolve. It is equally crucial for industry leaders and educational institutions to foster environments that supports and utilize the potential of these emerging talents.

In Sky Health Academy, aiming to to equip new medical professionals with the tools they need to successfully transition from the classroom to the industry
environment, we launched the "Medical Graduates Gateway Program" providing free Consultations for industry entry, comprehensive Training sessions, trusted Pharmaceutical Sciences Resources, connections with seasoned Industry Experts and like-minded peers, and robust Resume and Interview assistance.


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